The World’s Most Popular Tourist Hotels

Travelling is an adventure that many people enjoy. Tourists enjoy it as a hobby regardless of whether it entails visiting local sites or crossing borders to explore new places. Apart from getting convenient transport to get to your destination, you want to stay in the best hotels while at your destination. Here are some of the world’s most popular hotels you can stay in:

Taj Mahal Palace, India

Taj Mahal is one of the oldest yet very popular tourist destinations across the globe. The palace is renowned for its magnificent look, sophistication, and elegance. It is a vast hotel holding up to 560 rooms and 44 suites. You can also expect excellent customer service with their 35 butlers inclusive of their 1,500 staff. Taj Mahal Palace has hosted some of the most prominent guests globally, including former American first families the Obamas and the Clintons. The palace was built in 1903 and is situated in Mumbai, India.

Burj Al Arab, Dubai

This luxurious hotel is situated at the heart of the Gulf Area, taking up space on its island in the Persian Gulf in the United Arab Emirates. The hotel is uniquely designed like a huge yacht sailing in the sea. The most extravagant feature is that passengers aboard can alight and board on any floor via their private butlers. This feature enables guests to explore the city via private helicopter transfer or one of the ten Rolls-Royce owned by Burj Al Arab. The hotel has fancy bathrooms, numerous infinity pools and panoramic views looking into glamorous Dubai. Guests can also enjoy access to a posh spa, nine restaurants, and a palatial suite going for $24,000 per night.

The Plaza Hotel, New York City

Famously known for its high skyscrapers, New York City also holds one of the best international tourist hotels. Situated right next to Central Park South at Fifth Avenue in New York City is the classy Plaza Hotel. The hotel is legendary for hosting A-list celebrities such as Mile Davis, the Beatles, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

The Plaza has also been a setting for some classic films, including ‘Home Alone’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’. The 20-story building is still an architectural monument since its construction in 1907. The hotel is famous for having the most expensive royal suite, including a private elevator that hosts dignitaries, including royalty across the globe. Guests can also have their room service, including décor, food, and accommodation customized to their personal preferences.

The Beverly Hills Hotel, Los Angeles

Dating back to 1912, the Beverly Hills Hotel has remained just as glamorous. Nicknamed ‘The Pink Palace,’ the hotel is one of the first significant monuments in Beverly Hills. It is located in Sunset Boulevard. The hotel is popular and has hosted notable guests including Peter Finch, Marilyn Monroe, Faye Dunaway, Elizabeth Taylor, and Joan Crowford. The palatial hotel is built in a vast 16 acre area, holding twenty one bungalows and 256 guest rooms.